changes in breast tissue. Health professionals should also encourage women to schedule a screening mammography, which is a breast x ray that will detect cysts or tumors too small to be found during self-examination.

Changes in the breast that may be a sign of breast cancer include:
lump or thickening in breast or armpit
changes in a nipple (thickening, pulling in, bleeding, or discharge)
dimpled or reddened skin over the breast
change in breast size.
changes in a nipple (thickening, pulling in, bleeding, or discharge)
dimpled or reddened skin over the breast
change in breast size.

More than 75% of all breast cancers are diagnosed in women without a family history or other major risk factor for the disease. Inherited gene alterations also place women at risk for developing breast cancer at younger ages. About 20% of cases occur in families with a history of breast cancer. A breast cancer gene was discovered in 1994, however, only about 5% of breast cancers are believed to be related to the gene.

Some studies suggest that high fat diets, obesity, radiation exposure, or alcohol consumption contribute to the risk profile. Researchers have found that for certain women, hormone replacement therapy may contribute to the development of breast cancer. While one or more risk factors may boost a woman's chances of developing breast cancer, the interplay of factors is complex.
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