Prostate Cancer is cancer that grows in prostate gland. The prostate is a small, walnut-sized structure that makes up part of a man's reproductive system. It wraps around the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body

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Signs and tests A rectal exam often reveals an enlarged prostate with a hard, irregular surface. A number of tests may be done to confirm the diagnosis of prostate cancer.PSA test may be high, although non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate can also increase PSA levels.

Free PSA may help tell the difference between BPH and prostate cancer.Urinalysis may show blood in the urine.Urine or prostatic fluid cytology may reveal unusual cells. Prostate biopsy confirms the diagnosis.CT scans may be done to see if the cancer has spread.A bone scan may be done to see if the cancer has spread.Chest x-ray may be done to see.
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